Competition Law
Competition law requires that your business is compliant with all aspects of Irish and EC competition law and policy. This can be enforced through both civil and criminal means.
Competition Authority
The Competition Authority is responsible for the administration and enforcement of competition law in Ireland.
The function of the Authority is to facilitate co-operation between the sectoral regulatory bodies in the performance of their functions, to avoid the duplication of activities, and to ensure consistency between their decisions.
Irish Courts
The Competition Act, 2002 prohibits anti-competitive agreement (agreements which negatively effect trade in another member State) and an abuse of a dominant position (a position of economic strength which prevents effective competition being maintained in the market) in the State or in any part of the State.
Principal examples of abuse of dominance include abusive pricing, refusal to supply, exclusive arrangements, and rebates. The Irish Courts are obliged to apply EC Competition Law where trade between Member States has or, may be affected.
Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP provides advice in relation to the practical application of the Competition Act, 2002 and the regulatory provisions of the Competition Authority.
We also provide legal advice and representation in relation to infringements of competition law.
For more information, please contact or freephone 1800 54 54 54.