Employment law solicitors
As an Employee we know there is nothing more stressful than being made redundant, being unfairly dismissed, or experiencing other issues within the workplace.

Legal help in the Labour Law area
If you feel that you may have one a legal issue with work we will discuss your options sensitively and professionally. If we feel that you have a case we will, of course, represent you before the Workplace Relations Commission.
If you would like to speak to one of Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP’s Employment Law Specialists please get in touch now.

Bullying & Harassment in the workplace
We provide advice to both employers and employees on all aspects of bullying and harassment in the workplace.
The Employment Equality Acts 1998-2008 place an obligation on all employers in Ireland to prevent harassment in the workplace. Under this law, an employee is entitled to bring a claim to the Equality Tribunal and an employer may be obliged to pay compensation if an employee can show that they are discriminated in relation to any of the following grounds.
- Gender
- Marital status
- Family status, for example, as a parent of a child
- Sexual orientation
- Age
- Disability
- Race
- Religious belief
- Membership of the Traveller community