Commercial law advice
Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP provides legal advice in relation to all aspects of Commercial Law.

Commercial law advice services

Commercial law advice at every step
We can assist you at all stages in the development and operation of your business regarding commercial law, including advice at the startup stage through to mergers and acquisitions, and guidance on legal issues in relation to winding up a business.
For more information, please get in touch today.

Commercial property
We have a wealth of experience in dealing with all aspects of the commercial property and offer excellent legal advice to companies acquiring, selling, leasing or developing property. We deal with the following issues of commercial property development:
- Planning of commercial property
- Drafting and negotiating contracts of sale for commercial property
- Advising on the terms and conditions of planning permissions
- All planning and environmental issues including pre-contract and planning searches
- Investigation and Registration of title of Commercial Property
- Stage payments
- Environmental issues
- Stamp duty