Health and Safety Litigation
Health and safety compliance in businesses has become increasingly legislated and regulated in recent years.
The Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 places a duty on employers to ensure as far as it reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all their employees.
In addition the Health & Safety Authority (HSA) regulates this area to ensure that businesses meet the expected standards. The Authority undertakes approximately 16,000 inspections per annum. The aim of each inspection is to ensure statutory compliance and address significant safety risks present in the workplace.
As this is a complex and evolving area of law, expert legal advice is strongly recommended.
Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP provides advice to clients on obligations imposed on them both in terms of their employees and their contractual obligations with other particularly in construction projects. In addition, we also provide advice to employees who have a health or safety issues related to their employment.
For further information, please feel free to freephone 1800 54 54 54 or email