Healy O'Connor

Family breakdown

We recognise that a divorce or family law matter is one of the most difficult life challenges that you may face. 

Family Law solicitors

The resolution of your case will have a lasting impact on your children, finances and family structure. The main goal throughout advising you will be to preserve your dignity and privacy during what may be a very difficult process, while at the same time achieving a favourable outcome.

We will also ensure you are fully aware of the costs involved from beginning to end.

Divorce Solicitors

Before applying to Courts for a Divorce the following conditions must be met:

  • Each party to the relationship must have been living apart for a period of four years out of the previous five years

  • There must be no reasonable prospect of reconciliation between the parties

  • The courts must secure proper provision by way of maintenance, a property transfer order or a pension adjustment order

  • Further conditions outlined under Irish law must be adhered to

Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP provide advice on the complex issues that need to be addressed before a decree of Divorce can be granted.