Healy O'Connor


The introduction of divorce allows both parties to terminate their marital relationship and remarry having been granted a decree of divorce.

Before applying to Courts for a Divorce the following conditions must be met:

  • Each party to the relationship must have been living apart for a period of two years out of the previous three years
  • There must be no reasonable prospect of reconciliation between the parties
  • Either you or your spouse must live permanently in Ireland when the application is made or have lived in Ireland for a minimum of one year before the application is made
  • The courts must secure proper provision by way of maintenance, a property adjustment order or a pension adjustment order
  • Further conditions outlined under Irish law must be adhered to

Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP provide advice on the complex issues that need to be addressed before a decree of divorce can be granted. These include:

  • The current and future financial situations of both spouses
  • Accommodation and property
  • Dependent children and their future needs and welfare
  • Succession rights
  • The behaviour of both parties
  • The parties mental and physical health

Application to the Court

We provide legal representation at both the Circuit Court and the High Court to hear applications for divorce. For more information, please email info@hoc.ie or freephone 1800 54 54 54two