Spinal Cord Injury Claims
A Spinal cord injury is defined as damage or trauma to the spinal cord that in turn results in a loss or impaired function resulting in reduced mobility or feeling. This type of injury can occur from trauma from a car or motorcycle accident, falls, sports injuries or diseases such as Transverse Myelitis, Polio, Spina Bifida and Friedreich’s Ataxia.
Spinal cord injury ranges from minor to severe and can involve loss of basic bodily functions at the more serious end of the spectrum. Many spinal injuries will result in permanent disability or loss of movement and sensation below where the injury occurred.
At Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP our role is to serve the people and families who have suffered the painful devastation of spinal cord injuries who in most instances will be entitled to several types of damages beyond medical expenses.
We will work with an injured client’s physicians and rehabilitation team to fully explore and identify what the client’s physical and emotional losses are to establish the cost of cost of past and future medical treatment, and the full extent of the injured person’s permanent disabilities.
Please feel free to contact us at info@hoc.ie or freephone 1800 54 54 54 to allow us examine your claim for compensation.
Limitation Period By law, a claim for compensation must commence within two years from the date when the incident occurred or when the person became aware that they had suffered the injury. However due to the complexity of the issues involved it is advisable to contact a Solicitor as soon as possible after the incident.