Healy O'Connor

Non-Disclosure Agreements

What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement?

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA), also known as a confidentiality agreement is a legal contract. The parties agree not to disclose information covered by the agreement. An NDA creates a confidential relationship between the parties to protect any type of confidential and proprietary information or trade secrets.

Confidentiality Agreement in Ireland

For many companies today, one of their most valuable assets is their Intellectual Property (IP). Companies must take appropriate steps to protect the value of this asset, yet must also utilize it to its full potential.
non-disclosure agreement (NDA) allows a company to share its IP with others, whose input it needs, without unduly jeopardizing that information.

Healy O’Connor Solicitors LLP provides advice in relation to the negotiation, drafting and enforceability of non disclosure agreements.

Contact us

For further information please contact our Commercial Law Specialists at info@hoc.ie or by freephone at 1800 54 54 54