Healy O'Connor

€10,000 Personal Injuries Compensation

A Dublin man has received an award of €10,000 from Dublin Circuit Court after suffering an injury from a syringe in a Dublin city hotel. Cases such as theses are common before the Courts but in my experience usually involve an incident in a hospital where syringes would be used on a daily basis. the Judge hearing the case awarded the plaintiff the sum of €10,000 for damages and also awarded costs.

The plaintiff in the case gave evidence that he had to abstain from having sex with his girlfriend until he received all clear results from HIV and hepatitis some six months after the accident. The judge found the hotel involved had breached its duty of care to the plaintiff as a needle had been found on the floor. This duty would have involved keeping the premises safe and clean for use by the public.

Having dealt with a number of these cases in the past the award marks a good result for the plaintiff in this case.

Red FM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

RedFM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

Sunday Business Post – Feburary 21 2010

Business Plus July 2013 Issue

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