Healy O'Connor

Family Law Relocation Case Success

In recent weeks the Family Law Department at Healy O’Connor acted for a client in a highly contentious family law relocation case. The mother of the child represented by HOC sought to move to the UK to be close to her extended family. The father of the child wished for mother and child to remain in Ireland where access was being exercised.

As is always the case with relocation cases the issues at hand are very difficult and stressful for both parties. However, the interests of the child must be to the forefront and in this case the Judge hearing the case decided that the child should be allowed return to the UK with the mother on condition that liberal and frequent access was provided to the father.

More and more we are seeing families exercising international access as Ireland becomes a multicultural society. Thankfully with modern transport it can be a short trip from many parts of Europe to Ireland and access can be facilitated in most cases.

With experience in dealing with relocation cases and Hague Convention cases in the Circuit and High Court Healy O’Connor Solicitors are well placed to advise anyone dealing with such issues.

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