Healy O'Connor

Motorcycle Accident Claims

Motorcycles are a Vulnerable Mode of Transport

In Ireland, they represent less than 2% of licensed vehicles but account for an average of 10% of road injuries and an even worse 12% of all road related fatalities.

Statistically motorcyclists in Ireland are two to three times more likely to be fatally injured than elsewhere in Europe.

These are sobering thoughts especially when you consider the care and attention that bikers have to demonstrate on a daily basis.

From drivers not paying attention when leaving junctions to incidents of overtaking and impaired driving, there are a multitude of risks that unfortunately sometimes can not be managed by just being careful.

There is a widely held belief amongst other road users that all ‘bikers’ are rebels, who travel at excessive speeds and disregard the rules of the road. Yet records show that in over 60% of collisions between cars and motorcycles, the car drivers were at fault.

In the event of personal injury or loss and damage to property, caused by someone else’s negligence motorcyclists can be confused about their rights in law and often because of prejudice, face an uphill struggle to claim the compensation they need and deserve.

Not all Accidents involve Collisions with other Vehicles

It should also be remembered that not all accidents involve collisions with other vehicles. Financial constraints and the more adverse weather conditions we are all enduring mean that our roads are deteriorating due mostly to inadequate inspection and maintenance. We’ve all at some time or another bounced into a pothole in the road, in most cases no obvious damage is caused. For motorcyclists, hitting a pothole perhaps full of water on a dark rainy night can be catastrophic!

In all cases whether it be a road traffic accident or one caused by the poor condition of the road, the law requires that we have a duty of care and if that duty of care is breached and causes you damage personally or to your property then you have the right to seek compensation.

Motorcycling can be an expensive passion and due to the fragility of your beloved machine and the life saving equipment that goes hand in hand with this way of life, it’s important to know your rights on exactly what can be claimed for.

With so much at stake especially where serious long term, life changing injuries are involved, professional, caring, legal advice and representation at an early stage is crucial to a successful outcome.

This is particularly the case in defective road surface accidents as this is a complex area of law, which many ‘no win no fee’ law practitioners will not have much or any experience of or wish to take on.

If you have had the misfortune to have suffered injury or loss which you believe was not your fault, talk to us and we’ll give you an honest opinion and expert advice on your chance of succeeding with your claim.

Red FM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

RedFM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

Sunday Business Post – Feburary 21 2010

Business Plus July 2013 Issue

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