Healy O'Connor

Personal Injuries Actions for Bullying and Harrassment

I am currently involved in several ongoing cases where my clients are suing in the High Court for Bullying and Harassment.

It is very important that an employee, if he feels he or she is being bullied, raises the grievance with their Employer. The grievance procedure will be laid out in the Company Handbook or contract of employment.

However, often times this may not be practical where the person you are complaining about is your boss. An Employee will feel very isolated where this is the case.

A good start if you are suffering from Stress arising from Bullying and Harassment is to attend with your Doctor. For any claim to begin your Employment Solicitor will have to take up a medical report from your GP. Secondly, it is critical that you maintain a diary of the events that have lead to taking this course of action.

The more specific you can be the better for the claim to succeed. The devil is in the detail!

Shane Healy, Head of Employment, Commercial and Insolvency, Healy O’Connor Solicitors, Cork

Red FM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

RedFM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

Sunday Business Post – Feburary 21 2010

Business Plus July 2013 Issue

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