Healy O'Connor

Selling a House in Ireland-Conveyancing Tips

One way to speed up the sale of your house and help your Solicitor considerably is to get him the title Deeds as soon as possible. If they are at home then get them into him pronto for safekeeping and so he can start drafting the contracts. If they are at the bank, as is normally the case, then he will need you to sign an authority with the appropriate mortgage reference to take up the deeds. It is not unheard of for this to take 3-4 weeks just to get the deeds! That can be a lost month where you are trying to tie down a speedy sale in a jittery market.

Another good idea is to have all your planning documentation in order. If you built an extension in recent years its always beneficial to have your architect or supervising engineer to furnish you with a declaration saying it was built in compliance with any planning permission and with building regulations. It’s going to be an issue when you sell. Talk to your Solicitor as soon as possible and flag these issues to him.

Conveyancing Department, Healy O Connor Solicitors, Cork

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