Healy O'Connor

Unfair Dismissal Award of €30,000 for Client

            We have just acted for a client who was awarded €30,000 for Unfair Dismissal by the Employment Appeals Tribunal who found the applicant had been badly treated and unfairly dismissed. In addition he was awarded €1120 for not geting any notice. The facts of the case were that the […]

Employment Claims

            Employment Claims I was at a conference today where the Insurer representative stated that there has been a 150% increase in Employment Claims over the last few years. He also stated as an Employer there is a 40% higher chance of you having Employment Claims that a claim for fire […]

Unfair Dismissal: Missing Jam Tarts

  Unfair Dismissal/The Case of the Missing Jam Tart   An interesting employment case around unfair dismissal that has been widely reported is the case of a Mr. Moran –v- Keelings Logistics Solutions   The facts were that Mr. Moran, an operative in a warehouse which is constantly monitored, was apparently spotted on January, 25th […]

Indirect Discrimination at Work – How to Deal with it?

what is discrimination at work

Each work environment has its own challenges such as impending deadlines, difficult clients, taking responsibility for our mistakes and many more. However, we can also be met with difficulties coming from a quite unexpected source – our colleagues or bosses. What is indiscrimination at work, and how can we deal with it? Let’s find out! […]

Lidl Manager Unfairly Dismissed for Buying Goods at a Discount

Lidl unfairly dismissed a manager after he purchased €7.20 worth of baked goods at a knock-down discount of 40c. The WRC adjudicator found that Arkadiusz Grzyb was unfairly dismissed. It was ordered that Lidl must  pay Mr Grzyb €21,211 in compensation. In her findings, she found the sanction of dismissal of Mr Grzyb for the […]

Play it by Staff Handbook to Avoid Facing a Lawsuit

  The best bit of business advice I ever received was if you are ever in doubt about something, trust your instincts. You can always convince yourself that this time it is different or this person isn’t as bad as you originally thought. I talk to business people every day who tell me if only […]