Healy O'Connor

Low Cost Liquidations

Winding up a Company is never easy. In the first place you need to talk to your accountant and see whether or not the company is solvent or has a reasonable prospect of paying its debts as they fall due. You can be held to account if you are found trading into a worse position. […]

Personal Injuries and Work Stress Litigation

It is very important when considering taking a personal injuries case against an Employer that you are accurate about the date when the Injury occurred. This may have been the first day that you were out on certified sick leave. Keep a diary if you can because the devil is in the detail when it […]

Drink Driving: Limits, Penalty Points & Fines

We are now beginning to see the recent new laws relating to drunken driving taking having an effect on the ground. The Gardaíare using the new rules to fine drivers and give them penalty points in some cases. A summary of the new rules are listed below. THE REDUCTION in the alcohol limit can be […]

Woman Awarded €8000 over fall

A young woman in her twenties was recently awarded compensation by the Circuit Court after telling a Judge that she took pain killers to go to discos and get on with her life. Ciara Byrne from Dublin claimed she injured her back on her way back from the smoking area of a bar in Finglas […]

KerryFM with Jerry O’Sullivan – Lotto Syndicates

Just to recap the advice given on Jerry’s show Kerry Today this morning where I discussed the case of Martin Moran v Frank O ‘Reilly, Michael McHale, John Joyce, Seamus O Brien and An Post National Lottery Company: Reduce your agreement to writing and sign up to it. There is a syndicate agreement on the […]

Misselling of Payment Protection Insurance in Ireland

We are currently handling queries and claims in relation to the misselling of payment protection insurance. If you need to know more please contact one of our team at info@hoc.ie or at our office in Cork or by Freephone Number 1800 54 54 54. Healy O’Connor Solicitors, Protecting Your Interests.

Irish Court Assesses Damages Under EU Law

For the first time the Irish High Court has assessed compensation in a personal injuries case under the laws of another EU state. Peter Kelly from Dublin had sued a French insurer after being hit by a municipality van while holidaying in the South of France. He suffered serious injury to his hip and subsequently required […]

New Insolvency Legislation

As reported in today’s Irish Times there seems to be big problem with the forthcoming Insolvency Legislation. The banks do not want mortgages included in any possible write-downs. We say it must include secured debt if the country is to move forward. Additionally, if the new arrangements are to be voluntary then the Banks can […]

AIB Credit Cards & Payment Protection Insurance

  AIB Credit Cards – Payment Protection Insurance Good news this morning for AIB customers. They will be refunded by AIB if they took out Payment Protection Insurance on their Credit Cards. We are acting for a number of clients who are pursuing the banks who we believe may have been miss-sold this Insurance in […]