Healy O'Connor

Voluntary Levy Paid by 111 Judges

Voluntary payments amounting to €698,000 have been made to Revenue Commissioners from members of the judiciary. A total of 111 judges have now paid the voluntary pension levy, according to the Revenue In addition, commitments via standing orders which amount to €522,000 per month have also been given. Controversy arose last year after it was […]

250,000 Mortgage Holders Face Hike

As many as 250,000 homeowners on standard variable loans may soon be forced to pay out at least an extra €76.50 per month on mortgage repayments. Sources believe banks will move quickly to hike interest rates on standard variable mortgages as soon as NAMA is up and running. Some of the country’s biggest lenders said […]

Solicitor Wins Appeal on Mahon Refusal

A solicitor has won his Supreme Court challenge to the Mahon planning tribunal’s refusal to hear submissions from him before proceeding to inquire into land deals in Co Dublin in which he was allegedly involved with former Fianna Fáil TD Liam Lawlor and businessman Jim Kennedy. The three-judge Supreme Court ruled that the tribunal should […]

Harsh Sentences for Riot Offences

London – The handing down of tough sentences such as four years in prison for trying to organise a riot via Facebook has triggered alarm in Britain that the government’s crackdown over last week’s unrest might be too harsh. The Conservative Party has promised tough action following four nights of violence in London and other […]

New Child Protection Measures

Child Protection: Minister for Justice Alan Shatter has said promised child protection measures are “very much on target”, with legislation to be published by the end of next month. Mr Shatter said moves to put the obligatory reporting of child abuse to gardaí, as well as the vetting of adults who work with children, on […]

Fee to Increase in Courts Service

A range of new fees has been introduced by the Courts Service, following a demand from the Department of Finance for an increase in its fee income. The increases are across the board and range from 8.3 per cent to one increase, in the case of special licences for the licensed premises in an area, […]

New Drink-Driving Limits come into Effect at Midnight

Lower drink-driving limits come into effect from midnight, reducing the maximum blood-alcohol level to 20mg per 100ml of blood in some cases. The changes, which bring Irish law into line with European levels, will see the current limit of 80mg drop to 50mg for most drivers. Under the regime, professional drivers, learner drivers and those […]

Corrib Gas Legal Actions Against State Withdrawn

Legal actions brought by An Taisce and others over the manner in which consents were granted for the Corrib gas project have been settled and withdrawn at the High Court after an 11 day-hearing. The costs of the actions are expected to exceed €1 million. The settlement includes an agreement by the State to properly […]