Healy O'Connor

The New Property Tax

So as expected the household charge is to be replaced by the New Property Tax in 2013. Anyone who hasn’t paid the household charge will now find themselves being subject to Revenue powers. The household charge was the forerunner of the Property Tax and was used to get people’s property details together. The basis of assessment of market value of your house is going to be interesting. There are bands that can be used to guide you. Indeed the guiding principle has been laid down as “If you follow Revenue’s guidance honestly, we will accept your property value assessment”. So effectively it is self assessed.

There will be exemptions and I will give some examples: Properties that are newly constructed but unsold; commercial property subject to commercial rates;unfinished developments.

Finally please note that the NPPR or Non  Principal Private Residence Relief will be abolished from 1 January 2014.

Tax Department, Healy O’Connor Solicitors Cork and Dublin

Red FM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

RedFM – Giving Free Advice to Listeners

Sunday Business Post – Feburary 21 2010

Business Plus July 2013 Issue

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