A woman with cerebral palsy who sued over the circumstances of her birth has settled a High Court action for €850,000.
The settlement against the HSE is without an admission of liability. Approving the settlement, the Judge noted the exceptional care Paula’s family had given her throughout her life. “They have made an excellent contribution. She is very, very lucky,” the judge said.
The case is unusual in that it refers to circumstances 46 years ago as it was claimed Emily Corcoran had been admitted to the hospital on April 7th, 1976 after she was advised her baby was presenting in an abnormal position.
The Judge said the €850,000 settlement figure represented half the notional full value of the case. Referring to the tragic circumstances of the case and the risk in relation to liability, the judge said it was a very fair settlement. The Judge said it was also a case where recollection would be of particular importance.
There was an alleged failure to maintain vigilant supervision through labour. There was also a failure upon Mrs. Corcoran’s admission to adopt a clear plan for active management.
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