Employment Law Constructive Dimissal
Just got back a favourable result from the Employment Appeals Tribunal in a case where we acted for the claimant where he was claiming he was constructively dismissed i.e. he was left with no option but to resign. In this type of case the onus is on the Employee to prove that he was forced […]
Employment Law and Transfer of Undertakings TUPE
Whenever a company is in the process of merging with another company the issue of Employees arises. Basically, what happens with the existing Employees? This is never as straightforward as it seems! At its most basic under TUPE Law the Employees are to be transferred with all their existing rights and benefits to the new […]
Constructive Dismissal or Unfair Dismissal? Traps for the Unwary
We had a very good win last week in a difficult case where we had to prove that we didn’t simply abandon our employment but were rather unfairly dismissed while on sick leave. Any Employer would want to be very careful when dismissing someone on sick leave which would leave them exposed to an Unfair […]
Employment Law Unfair Dismissal and Redundancies
This comes up time and time again. You are called into your bosses office and told due to the downturn you are being made redundant. Thing is you told your boss only recently about a major issue you were having at work and the next thing you know you are being let go? Something not […]
Employment Law Handbooks
An Employment Law Handbook sets out the policies and procedures for a company in the event of a dispute between an Employer and an Employee. They are a useful tool for a company when defending a claim against them. Conversely an Employee should make themselves aware of the company’s Employment policies and not just blithely […]