Healy O'Connor

Payment Protection Insurance Mis-Sold to Customers

In recent times, it has come to light that thousands of customers were erroneously sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) by financial institutions in Ireland. In particular, self-employed persons, persons close to retirement and on contract are those more seriously affected having been miss-sold Payment Protection Policies only later to discover that they were ineligible to […]

Enduring Power of Attorney – the Basics

We are receiving increasing numbers of enquiries from Clients as to the meaning, nature and scope of an Enduring Power of Attorney. In particular, relatives of persons who have been diagnosed with illnesses such as Alzheimer’s Disease or senility or who are concerned about diminishing memory in their loved ones as well as residents of Nursing Homes query […]

Doctors in Ireland Coming Under Increasing Pressure

The number of Claims against doctors in Ireland in respect of Medical Negligence and of other claims has steadily increased in recent years. In 2011, €81 million was paid out by the HSE to settle claims over medical negligence or hospital error. It is likely that medical negligence and other claims against doctors will continue […]

Septic Tank Registration Date Revised while NPPR Tax for 2012

In accordance with the controversial Water Services (Amendment) Act, 2012, owners of a septic tank were obliged to register their ownership on or prior to March 31st 2012.   However, the registration system failed to come into effect on that date. Currently, no revised and finalised commencement date for the registration system has been published. It […]

Trademark Law-Passing off- McCambridge v Brennans

Here is a link to yesterdays article in the Irish Independent Business Brain Section. It concerns  Trademark Law and the old tort of Passing off. Link to Article Shane Healy, Healy O’Connor Solicitors, Cork and Dublin.    

Closing Dates in Conveyancing Transactions-Practical Property Advice

It’s always worth bearing in mind that you should treat the closing date as a “target date” to be reached by both parties to the transaction. It is not uncommon for things to go awry on that date. The purchaser doesn’t have cleared funds from his lending institution on the day. The Vendor is in […]

Non Principal Private Residence – Problems and Penalties

The Local Government (Charges) Act 2009 introduced a €200 annual charge on Non Principal Private Residences, payable by the owners to the Local Authority in whose area the property concerned is located. The Charge on Non Principal Private Residence (NPPR) has, since its introduction, raised over €200 million in revenue for Local Authorities. The liability […]

Children in Care – Victims of the System Set up to Protect Them?

In recent days, the National Review Panel (NRP) which has been charged with investigating the circumstances of child deaths while in care, has revealed that 46 children known to care services have died since the start of 2010 including 13 in the first four months of 2012 alone. The HSE who is responsible for children […]

Woman Settles Claim for Ankle and Knee Injury

The litigation team at Healy O’Connor recently settled a Personal Injuries action against a County Council. Our client suffered serious injuries to her ankle and knee after falling on a severely defective surface in a car park. The clients foot became caught on the surface and caused a jarring injury to both the ankle and […]


We settled a case for 10,000 where a minor was involved in a Defamation action against a shop. The shop manager published a photograph of our client on the shop window essentially telling the community that our client was a thief. These cases can be tricky to bring home successfully.