Healy O'Connor

Conveyancing Conflicts

There seems to be some confusion amongst the wider public regarding the new Conveyancing Conflicts of Interest Regulation which will come into force on the 1 January 2013. Essentially the same Solicitor or firm of Conveyancing Solicitors will be prohibited from acting for both vendor and purchaser in a conveyancing transaction. The rationale behind this […]

Maintenance of Children

The issue of Maintenance in my experience always seems to cause conflict between parents. Unfortunately the dispute between the parents can result in one party not happy paying a certain amount for Maintenance and the other party not happy receiving what is offered. Understandably the issue of money can be a sore point when couples […]

Guardianship for Fathers in Ireland

Guardianship concerns a number of rights and responsibilities that automatically vest in the parents of a child born within marriage and in the mother of a child born outside marriage. These rights and responsibilities are in relation to the upbringing of that child. A guardian of a child has the right and the responsibility to […]

Family Law: Watch out for New Romances

  In a recent High Court case in the UK a Judge said that the start of a new relationship during a divorce can be a significant “fly in the ointment” to family law Courts and Judges deciding  on how much money ex-wives should be awarded. The Court went on to say that women may […]

Credit Unions and Employees

  Employee re-instatements It has been reported recently that the Employment Appeals Tribunal had made a decision against St. Coleman’s (Claremorris Credit Union) in relation to an employee that they had.  The Tribunal found that the employee had been unfairly dismissed.  In this case the Tribunal has decided that the employee should be re-instated with […]

Germany and Ireland and Divorce-How do they compare?

reasons for divorce in germany

The Myth of Immediate Divorce in Germany   “We don’t communicate anymore” “He had an affair.” “She got fat.” “I don’t want to hide the bruises anymore.” Over time, a lot of curious cases have taken place in Germany: In Munich a man insisted that his wife spend every night with him in a hammock. […]

Cosmetic Surgery Claims

We are increasingly being instructed in relation to cosmetic surgery claims or  “medical misadventures” to put it nicely. Of course, it’s not so nice when cosmetic surgery goes wrong. Unfortunately,  botulinum toxin containing products (Botox) and dermal fillers can lead to pain, swelling, infection and inflammation, rash, blurred vision, haematoma and “pins and needles”. We […]

Medical Negligence – Things you need to know before you start a Claim

How to start a medical negligence claim?

Numerous medical negligence claims can end with a positive outcome, however, it is essential to remember that there are several things that each person needs to know before the case can even begin. How to start a medical negligence claim then? Let’s find out. Is there a time limit to make a Medical Negligence Claim? […]