Healy O'Connor

Personal Injury and Wedge Fracture Injuries








We are currently dealing with a number of personal injuries cases involving wedge fracture injuries. This type of Personal injury is a serious one and can happen in a car crash or in a serious fall. Due to the unpredictable nature of the personal injury it is very difficult to nail down a prognosis and a recovery time. We are acting on behalf of a number of clients who suffered wedge fracture injuries and sometimes this type of personal injury requires surgery and immediate monitoring to ensure there is no damage to the spinal cord. Because of the complex nature of the personal injury it is difficult to arrive at the appropriate level of compensation that should be paid to someone who has suffered such a personal injury. Usually the personal injury is stable and does not involve neurological involvement. Even so the fracture itself can be very painful and without surgery can lead to ongoing and consistent pain in a claimant. In any personal injury claim involving wedge fractures it is very important to have the appropriate specialist doctor involved who can give a detailed idea of the personal injury caused and the prognosis.

It is also important to ensure that enough time is given to the claimant to let the personal injury settle and improve as much as possible. In dealing with clients who have suffered wedge fractures we are very conscious of the complicated nature of the personal injury.

The Personal Injury team at Healy O’Connor Solicitors contacted in our Cork or Dublin office.

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