Unfair Dismissal and Fair Procedures
I just got back another favourable determination from the Employment Appeals Tribunal. We acted for the claimant in a case where he was summarily dismissed from his job as a Barman. The company did not adopt fair procedures in firing him. Any company that does not adopt fair procedures or have suitable employment policies in […]
Unfair Dismissal and Insolvent Companies
I was involved in a case against an insolvent company. The liquidators arrived at the Employment Appeals Hearing without a company representative. In those circumstances they sought an adjournment which we successfully fought. We have now just found out we were successful and our client has been awarded redundancy against the insolvent company. We will now pursue the […]
Unfair Dismissal – Gross Misconduct and Fair Procedures
One of our cases was reported in the Irish Times over the weekend. Here is the report and our commentary: “In a separate case before the Tribunal, a former barman was awarded €5000 despite admitting to having breached known rules about drinking alcohol at work. When he was caught on CCTV camera pouring a glass […]
Unfair Dismissal-Unfair Delays
You may have heard on the news this morning that the waiting time to get before the Employment Appeals Tribunal is 67 weeks. There is not a lot we can do about this as practitioners so its crucial that the complaint form is sent off as soon as possible after you have heard whether you […]
Constructive Dismissal or Unfair Dismissal? Traps for the Unwary
We had a very good win last week in a difficult case where we had to prove that we didn’t simply abandon our employment but were rather unfairly dismissed while on sick leave. Any Employer would want to be very careful when dismissing someone on sick leave which would leave them exposed to an Unfair […]
Employment Law Unfair Dismissal and Redundancies
This comes up time and time again. You are called into your bosses office and told due to the downturn you are being made redundant. Thing is you told your boss only recently about a major issue you were having at work and the next thing you know you are being let go? Something not […]
Unfair Dismissal Award of €30,000 for Client
We have just acted for a client who was awarded €30,000 for Unfair Dismissal by the Employment Appeals Tribunal who found the applicant had been badly treated and unfairly dismissed. In addition he was awarded €1120 for not geting any notice. The facts of the case were that the […]
Employment Claims
Employment Claims I was at a conference today where the Insurer representative stated that there has been a 150% increase in Employment Claims over the last few years. He also stated as an Employer there is a 40% higher chance of you having Employment Claims that a claim for fire […]
Unfair Dismissal: Missing Jam Tarts

Unfair Dismissal/The Case of the Missing Jam Tart An interesting employment case around unfair dismissal that has been widely reported is the case of a Mr. Moran –v- Keelings Logistics Solutions The facts were that Mr. Moran, an operative in a warehouse which is constantly monitored, was apparently spotted on January, 25th […]
Lidl Manager Unfairly Dismissed for Buying Goods at a Discount
Lidl unfairly dismissed a manager after he purchased €7.20 worth of baked goods at a knock-down discount of 40c. The WRC adjudicator found that Arkadiusz Grzyb was unfairly dismissed. It was ordered that Lidl must pay Mr Grzyb €21,211 in compensation. In her findings, she found the sanction of dismissal of Mr Grzyb for the […]