Pub Patron Wins Case Against Pub Owner for Assault
Maurice O’Connor of Healy O’Connor’s litigation department recently represented a client before the Circuit Court in relation to injuries sustained after an assault in a bar. The client suffered head and facial injuries after an unprovoked assault by a bar owner on his licensed premises. The case was fully defended and went to a full […]
Judge Cuts Personal Injury Award in High Court
The personal injuries litigation department at HOC Solicitors noted with interest a recent decision of the High Court to reduce an award for personal injuries compensation from €80,000 to €27,000. In a slightly unusual set of circumstances the High Court reduced the award on the basis the Plaintiff was two-thirds responsible for the incident and the […]
Music Fan Settles High Court Injuries Claim
A fan of Oasis recently brought a case in the High Court for damages after claiming he was injured while in a queue for drinks at the a concert in Slane. The applicant claimed his ankle was fractured when he was pushed against a barrier during a crush. Both the promoter and the organisers of […]
€10,000 Personal Injuries Compensation

A Dublin man has received an award of €10,000 from Dublin Circuit Court after suffering an injury from a syringe in a Dublin city hotel. Cases such as theses are common before the Courts but in my experience usually involve an incident in a hospital where syringes would be used on a daily basis. the […]
Woman Settles Claim for Ankle and Knee Injury
The litigation team at Healy O’Connor recently settled a Personal Injuries action against a County Council. Our client suffered serious injuries to her ankle and knee after falling on a severely defective surface in a car park. The clients foot became caught on the surface and caused a jarring injury to both the ankle and […]
Substantial Settlement for Assault in Nightclub

The Personal Injuries team at Healy O’Connor Solicitors recently achieved a substantial settlement for a client who was assaulted in a nightclub by another patron. The client suffered a number of broken bones as a result of the assault and was taken by ambulance to hospital. Over an 18 month period the Solicitors at Healy […]
Time Limits for Personal Injury Claims
Please remember that you have two years from the date of the accident to take your claim. It is very important that you know the actual date of your accident. As Personal Injuries Solicitors we are always surprised by the amount of claimants who injure themselves at work or […]
Plane Crash Survivor Takes Personal Injuries Claim to the High Court
The personal injuries action of a businessman who suffered serious injuries after a plane crash is currently before the High Court. The claimant suffered multiple fractures including a fractured skull , fractures to his ribs and injuries to his ribs and hands. He also suffered brain damage. The claimant Mr Barry has sued a number of […]
Man Run Over by Bin Lorry Awarded nearly €5 Million

In a recent Personal Injuries judgement Mr Justice Michael Peart awarded Padraig Hearns the sum of nearly five million euros in damages against Dublin City Council in the High Court. Mr Hearns who was a former Mr Ireland suffered severe brain injuries after he was run over by a bin lorry seven years ago in […]
Personal Injury Claim – HOC in High Court settlement
Healy O’Connor recently acted for an injured claimant who suffered a severe personal injury to her knee in a pile up on a motor way. Unfortunately, the claimant was the first car in the pile up and suffered the brunt of the initial collision and subsequent collisions from the cars behind resulting in this very serious […]